Advanced Analytics

Many advanced analytics features can be very useful for site search and filtered navigation. You can, for example, track the number of searches made, the average search time, the most popular search terms, search terms that resulted in conversions, visitor profiles, and much more. This data can be extremely useful in optimizing your website and ensuring that it meets the needs of your users.

You're passing up a huge opportunity to improve your e-commerce business if you're not tracking your site search data. You can make data-driven decisions about where to place your products and how to market them by understanding what your customers are searching for on your site. This information may result in higher conversion rates.

Mezereon Search with its extensive analytics, filtering, and navigation choices, among other features, will help you take charge of your analytics and start making data-driven decisions right away.

Advanced analytics

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Optimize product findability with Advanced Product Filter & Search. Engage Customers with Real-Time Intelligent Personalization.